Beauty and the Best Complaints Policy

Our aim is to provide the best service possible, and while we always strive to achieve this, there will be times when a client is unhappy with a service. We aim to handle complaints quickly in an effective, fair and honest way, and that all members of the public know how to feedback to Beauty and the Best and that the process of making a complaint is simple.

The policy aims  

• To allow complaints to be aired.

 • To ensure that complaints are resolved as quickly and as fairly as possible.

 • To foster and maintain good relationships between all parties concerned.

 It is our intention to ensure that all complaints are handled promptly, fairly, consistently, and proportionately. This procedure applies to all complaints, both formal and informal,


Policy statement 

A complainant who wishes to make a complaint may do so either in writing or verbally. All complaints made in writing. All complaints made verbally will be classed as an informal complaint. Following an investigation, a response to the complainant will usually be provided within 10 working days of the acknowledgement unless the matter of complaint is particularly complex, in such a circumstance the complainant will be informed of the reasons for the delay

All feedback is recorded and monitored so that we learn from feedback and take action to improve services.

Who Can Make a Complaint?

Any member of the public or their representatives, staff, businesses, public and voluntary bodies can make a complaint.


The Complaints Process


  • Tell Sarah winter of Beauty and the Best you’re not happy with the service you have received, calmly and clearly explain the problem. We will listen to your feedback and ask questions as to understand why you are unhappy.
  • We aim to resolve complaints in full within 28 days. If you have already left the salon we will need you to return so we can see what it is that you are unhappy with, so please refrain from going elsewhere to have anything rectified, if you do it will void any obligation we have, as we will be unable to see the problem to rectify it.
  • All complaints are made directly to Sarah Winter of Beauty and the Best privately not via social media and if not done in person can instead be done in writing. A response will be made within 7 working days to the complainant confirming the complaint has been received and to arrange a time suitable time for you to return to the salon and have a private discussion about the issue at hand.
  • All complaints are treated with confidentiality in mind, and the aim is to come to a resolutions where both parties involved, client and Sarah winter of Beauty and the Best are happy with the outcome, a written agreement will need to be signed by all parties, stating that a resolution has been agree upon.

  • Sarah Winter of Beauty and the Best wants to deal fairly and honestly with complainants and ensure that all clients are treated fairly, equally and with respect.

How a Complaint can be made

· Verbally – to Sarah Winter Beauty and the Best
· Email –
· Letter– 25 Reynolds Avenue, Caister, Norfolk, NR30 5QD