Cancellation Policy & Booking Fee’s

  •  A Non-refundable booking fee of 50% of the Anti-Wrinkle treatment value will be taken at time of booking to secure your treatment date. This covers the cost of prescription and you product, which cannot be used on anyone else regardless of if you fail to attend you appointment for legal reasons. The product is only for you and if you change your mind will be disposed. All other treatments a non-refundable booking fee of 25% of the treatment cost is required.

  • The booking fee will be taken off the total amount of your treatment on the treatment day.

  • Cancellations with than 72hrs notice will only be eligible to move their time and date, with the booking fee transferred over to the new date. No refunds will be offered.

  • Cancellations with less than 24hrs notice will receive no refund and no transferring of the booking fee to another date, and to secure a new treatment date another 25% booking will need to be provided.

  • No call no shows, if you have an appointment and fail to attend without giving notice a charge of 50% of the treatment cost will be required to cover loss of earning, this will need to be paid any future bookings can be schedules.

  • If I Sarah Winter cancels the appointment the booking fee will be returned in full, if I Sarah Winter ask to move appointment the booking fee will be transferred to the new date.

This policy is in place to cover any costs that may have incurred including products ordered, admin cots, loss of earning.

As a small self-employed business last minutes cancellations and no call now shows can have a massive impact.